Therapeutic Touch: Reactive Textiles and Smart Clothing for Anxiety Disorders

Therapeutic Touch

Therapeutic Touch: Reactive Textiles and Smart Clothing for Anxiety Disorders

Therapeutic Touch: Reactive Textiles and Smart Clothing for Anxiety Disorders

​This research focuses on textile-based actuation that deliver tactile stimulation response to change in emotional state of a person with acute and long-term anxiety. Mechanical, electrical and thermal actuation possibilities are explored in relation to the location of actuation on the body, its type and magnitude and duration.This research is funded by UC Davis Academic Senate Interdisciplinary Research and CITRIS Core Seed Funding grants.


Goncu-Berk G., Halsted, T., Zhang, R., Pan, T. (2020). Therapeutic Touch Reactive Smart Clothing for Anxiety, EAI Pervasive Health 2020, 6-8 October.

